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yeah, you could join the real world & get up @ 5, but i dont think everyone in the real world does that, I have no problem with my situation, it's just the fact that getting up to go to a boring a$$ class for a couple hrs where you're spending money is alot harder then getting up to go to work where you're making money. & i'm pretty lucky with the job i have, in college & yet still have the time & money to do as i please.
I remember when I was in college I would never schedual a class before 9:30 AM and always have tuesday and thursday classes at night so I could have the entire day to study or do just about whatever I pleased. Now that I work I wish I could do the same thing but not a chance. However I am a lobbyist so my job is easy one week and busy the next. If I work till midnight, the next morning I don't come in to the office untill noon. One thing is for certain, there is never enough free time to go to the lake for a set or three.
1993 SN
2005 68\" HO System 8
Double Venom Bindings