Wake Surfing

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  • noahd
    • Jul 2006
    • 41

    Wake Surfing

    210 is the only way to go, but every ones opinion is different.....far as wakesurfing who cares, i wished they would ban it, imo its dangerous, it is not what wb-boats are designed for (may be now they are because of the popularity of wakesurfing) 210 is perfect size for the guy that just wants to ride instead of hang out.....but i really dont care what they come out with in 07 since I have a 06, kind of like the folks that luv the 03. But I am excited to see what is in store for us, cant wait to see the pics of a 07
  • Deuce
    • Apr 2004
    • 254

    • Murray, Utah

    Ban wakesurfing.......WHAT????? :| Dangerous.......WHAT??????? :|

    Zeda.....Saturday/Sunday/Monday. I am sure that Saturday and Sunday will be blown out as we will probably not make it up until later morning. Michelle and the baby cannot take the cold. But they are heading South on Monday and it will be an all guy crew, so hoping early morning before the crowds get out.

    What are your plans?


    • noahd
      • Jul 2006
      • 41

      heck yea i would ban it in a heartbeat - most of the surfers here just get totaly drunk and go surf, one guy ran over another boat because they were not watching out--far as dangerous, yes I believe it is, I seen some people almost submerge their boat in a sharp turn, I have seen other surfers almost cause accidents because they cant manuever the boat when they are surfing in high traffic areas, I can on and on, but I know most wont agree....oh well it is just my opinion


      • AbunDiga909
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 2470

        • St. Louis, MO

        noahd, I can see how you see it as dangerous, but what you talk about there is due to the irresponsiblity of the boat driver, operator, owner, surfer, etc... Most arent like that. It wouldn't be fair to prevent my friends 11yr old sister from surfing b/c some drunk tipped his boat over trying to get another drunk in the water...
        [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


        • Deuce
          • Apr 2004
          • 254

          • Murray, Utah

          Most surfers get totally drunk......WHAT????

          So surfers drink more than your average boater????

          3 of the craziest comments I have read in some time.


          • noahd
            • Jul 2006
            • 41

            No it is not fair to the people that like to surf, but it is also not fair for me to deal with surfers.....I have seen accidents with sober surfers as well, I have also seen tilted boats being submerge from other wakes, kind of like the over weighted wbboats. But you have to admit the driving conditions are not same when the boat is slammed too much or to one side. I may not care for it because I ride on a river and there is really no way to avoid the surfers....so I guess I am like the fisherman, the fisherman dosnt like my wakes or my sport and I really dont like the surfers wake or the sport....before you say any thing yes I have surfed, its fun but not my thing, imo not much of a spectator sport either......


            • noahd
              • Jul 2006
              • 41

              hahahah, i have seen more people go out and buy a bigger boat so they have a bigger party and so they can have a larger surf wake, never said only surfers get drunk, i said the surfers in my area tend to be really drunk


              • Deuce
                • Apr 2004
                • 254

                • Murray, Utah

                I can only assume because you don't like what they are doing to "your" water, you are focusing on key words like drunk and dangerous.

                Fact is, surfing is no more dangerous than anything else we are doing out there. There are people who are dangerous, but the percentage of those people are not segregated to one sport.


                • AbunDiga909
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 2470

                  • St. Louis, MO

                  The only part of surfing I find dangerous, is maybe, and rarely, the amount of CO2 I get... but even this is rare...
                  [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                  • noahd
                    • Jul 2006
                    • 41

                    Ha, you are reading into it to much, only time that I even confronted a surfer is because they almost ran over a rider. I made my opinion from operating a boat weighted for surfing, riding in a boat for surfing, watching surfers, and riding in a area with surfers. There is no such thing as "my water' and can deal with the surfers, fisherman, tubers, cruisers, and pwc And your right, the operators of any sport can make it dangerous, but you will not be able to convince me that you can handle a boat weighted for surfing in a safe manner in all conditions, my opinion is the same when people over weight for wb


                    • ag4ever
                      1,000 Post Club Member
                      • Feb 2004
                      • 1180

                      1. I don't have adult beverages on my boat, I think they do nothing but dehydrate you on the lake. I save them for when I am back on land and the boating day is over.

                      2. I surf in the area of the lake with the worst water which is also the area with the fewest boats.

                      3. I get less CO when surfing than I do when riding on a tube. CO is heavy and stays at water level, hence why I get so much while on a tube at water level.

                      4. Wakeboarding is more dangerous because most boarders try to ride right on the shore line to get cleaner water, they jump the wakes way out into the flats which on a river could be in the path of an on coming boat. A surfer stays close to the rear of the boat and in tight. If they fall the boat stops, and any boats behind should steer clear because they can see the boat in fron tof them. A wake boarder might be anywhere, so they could be run over by a passing boat or a boat overtaking them.

                      5. The people in the go fast boats tend to drive in a much more reckless manner than surfers, we should ban them first. Remember a surfer is only moving at 9 MPH. If others can't react that fast there is a problem, and all surf drivers I know can stay out of other's ways easily at less than 10 MPH.

                      It sounds like you just don't like the fact that surfers creat big wakes, and you have to deal with them on "your" water.

                      The act of surfing is about the safest forms of "waterskiing" I know of. How many people have posted that they tore their ACL or pulled a muscle or got a concusion wile surfing?

                      Surfing dangerous, what a joke!


                      • Onthewater
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • Jul 2003
                        • 695

                        • Near the cheddar curtain

                        This is an OUTRAGE! BLASPHEMY!

                        Paddle boats and canoes only from now on.
                        Can we ban ignorant posts?
                        I don\'t care.


                        • noahd
                          • Jul 2006
                          • 41

                          “?1” That is you and not everyone, this is what I see people doing in my riding area

                          “?2” Good, but your not every one and I have seen some surfers surf in good water and bad water.

                          “?3” I never even brought up a point of CO as a issue of being dangerous

                          “?4” Hahah, if it is a responsible wb’er, then at all times before hitting the wake you will look ahead of you to see if there is a on coming traffic or if the driver tells you to stop. Far as myself, I always ride in the middle of the river unless there is on coming traffic, and if it is to dangerous I will drop the rider. Depending on the conditions and the time of the ride, you can argue the point that a rider riding tight to a boat makes them safer. Far as a wb, they can be any where behind the boat and if you have a responsible crew and driver then you know where your rider is at all times, and you should be able keep them safe at all times with out power turning for the most part.

                          “?5” Didn’t try to argue who is the most reckless driver

                          Re-read what I wrote and I explain exactly why I don’t like wakesurfing

                          I wont even make a opinion about the acl/accident comment, or I will really get flamed.

                          To funny, I am not trying stop wakesurfing, or tell any one don’t wake surf, simply said if they outlawed it, that it wouldn’t hurt my feelings, and that I don’t care for the sport and yes I do think it is un-safe at times.


                          • WakeSlayer
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Sep 2005
                            • 2069

                            • Silver Creek, MN

                            • 1968 Mustang

                            I think they should ban short-sighted wakeboarders.

                            I crunched a vertebrae 11 weeks kneeboarding. Probably done for good after 12 years. Exactly what do you think I should do ? Surfing is likely the only event that I will be able to do after my injury. I drive away from other boats, do not get hammered when I am out on the lake, and am amongst the safest drivers you will meet, as are my partners, wife, son, etc. My boat does not lack a whole lot of control at 10mph when weighted for surfing. You are taking a pretty broad stance against a couple people who pissed you off.
                            Go build your own lake, and make the rules as you see fit.
                            the WakeSlayer
                            1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
                            1968 Correct Craft Mustang


                            • Kanski
                              • Sep 2005
                              • 15

                              • Kansas

                              Originally posted by Onthewater
                              This is an OUTRAGE! BLASPHEMY!

                              Paddle boats and canoes only from now on.
                              Can we ban ignorant posts?
                              I don't know...those drunk paddle boat operators are a surly lot. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:

