Originally posted by WakeSlayer
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Originally posted by noahdI take my broad stance because of my experience, and I have only had 1 negative incounter with a surfer, and that was in 06 and I had made my opinion in 03.
i am a little confused here. noahd made a statement based off of a personal experience that he did not appreciate the same things about surfing that some others may. he made some broad generalizations which it seems others are taking specific offense to. it almost sounds like he expressed an opinion, an expression for which he is receiving a lot of aggression. does this make sense? correct me if i am wrong.
He made a generalization that surfing is more dangerous, and should be baned.
He has tried to back that statement up with personal opinions on how he does not like it, and how it is so hard to control a boat with so much weight at such slow speeds.
He is also trying to claim a surfer passed him while he was wake boarding, and could not control their boat.
An opinion is fine, but when we say we want to ban something just because we don't like it, is going too far. There are a lot of activities I don't like, but others do. i don't wish for them to be banned. I don't like "drifting" and some people do. It could be construed as dangerous, but I don't mind them doing it. So opinions are fine as long as they are not causing harm to another, like giving false propaganda to hope surfing is banned.
Do I agree the boats respond slower when weighted properly for surfing, yes, are they "uncontrollable", no.
i follow you worm, i agree, noah has an opinion and expressed it. I see that he cleared up his original generalizations a little, and made clear his intended points, ie..his feelings wouldnt be hurt if surfing was outlawed. Seems its the exact opinions seen here many times before, just substitute "tubers" for "wakesurfers". I dont have to agree with him for him to have an opinion and this is a safer place to express it than on the lake. We all want glass/butter when we get one of our too few opportunities to go out and rip. I think noah metioned in the past he just got married, maybe he sees his opportunities shrinking from both sides and was a bit affected. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
WakeSlayer, good luck and a fast recovery to you!
ha speaking of wives ag4ever is starting to act like my wife, he cant get past the word banned, and that isthe only word he can focus on. Never said I want to banned surfing but that it would not hurt my feelings if it was. Secondly, I didnt say a surfer passed me, said they pulled up right in front to almost beside me with a rider in tow.
darrell, far shrinking form both sides maybe, but the wifey is loves wakeboarding, lake life, and watersports as much or more than i do....why do you think i would get married, she can drive a boat, backdown a trailer, winter ride what else can you ask for, would be nice if she thought supper was a home cook meal instead taco bell
I will back off the short sighted comment. Thing is, though, those are kind of fightin words some places. I live on a small lake. In the state of Minnesota, Jet skiis are, in fact, banned on lakes under 150 acres, which my lake is. Banning stuff happens. For dumb reasons I am ULTRA cautious of pissing people off with my lake sports. Some of my neighbors are not really into a huge wake, or 40mph barefoot runs at 7am. However, I go way way out of my way to be courteous, shut down when they are cruising, not knock the kids over on the beach with my rollers. A couple well placed calls could affect what I do for fun in the summer. Our local politics are a tad whacky, and "banning" something is a matter of who calls who and who attends a board meeting, etc. I hate some of the things people do on the lake, however, it is their lake too, which I frequently have to remind myself of. I still wouldn't go on paddleboatplanet.com and tell some one that they should ban the blue paddleboats.
Darrell, thanks for the well wishes. My Lowrider may be hanging in the shop, but all my surfboards are on the boat, and I can do that.
Surf is UP.
Mthe WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Originally posted by noahd“?1” That is you and not everyone, this is what I see people doing in my riding area
“?2” Good, but your not every one and I have seen some surfers surf in good water and bad water.
“?3” I never even brought up a point of CO as a issue of being dangerous
“?4” Hahah, if it is a responsible wb’er, then at all times before hitting the wake you will look ahead of you to see if there is a on coming traffic or if the driver tells you to stop. Far as myself, I always ride in the middle of the river unless there is on coming traffic, and if it is to dangerous I will drop the rider. Depending on the conditions and the time of the ride, you can argue the point that a rider riding tight to a boat makes them safer. Far as a wb, they can be any where behind the boat and if you have a responsible crew and driver then you know where your rider is at all times, and you should be able keep them safe at all times with out power turning for the most part.
“?5” Didn’t try to argue who is the most reckless driver
Re-read what I wrote and I explain exactly why I don’t like wakesurfing
I wont even make a opinion about the acl/accident comment, or I will really get flamed.
To funny, I am not trying stop wakesurfing, or tell any one don’t wake surf, simply said if they outlawed it, that it wouldn’t hurt my feelings, and that I don’t care for the sport and yes I do think it is un-safe at times.
yeah, so responsible boarders aren't a problem, neither are responsible surfers.
ur only valid negative statement towards surfing is bad water. i like butter as much as the next guy, but everyone has their right to their sport (except jet skiers lol). u could try and resolve these problems with the surfers, by asking them to keep the water calm in ur vicinity. a boat is only as dangerous as the driver. and at 10 mph if u feel endangered, then u need to stay on landjust my $.02
Sitting on transom, probably not the best idea. Loading weight to one side is probably not the best idea when in an emergency. Having people sit on the weighted side of the boat, not everyone but I have seen most people sitting on the deck part instead inside the boat. When I was younger, a kid in my class fell overboard, when they went over a roller and he fell off the prop cut him just below the his neck, and it killed him. I have seen people fall in the water trying to catch the handle and they miss and fall in the water and take out the surfer. I have seen surfs board cause accidents by popping in the person in the head. But this can be done by wakeskatting as well, probably why I don’t wakeskate either. Cant tell me just because driving @ 10mph you can take care of your rider or your boat in case of emergency, i.e. protecting the rider from other traffic, or turning in the wrong direction depending on what side is the boat is weighted. Far as me griping on Natique forum, well I own a natique, so I should have the right to post my opinion here? I am not a controversial poster, look at my post history. I visit ww, dwb, and plantenatique every day and for the most part contribute to forum instead of pissing people off. I don’t like surfing so what, you can still do it and as one person suggested that I ask them to move, well I am not going to do that I have to share the water with everyone. I am done with this post, I stand by my opinion. Every one have a good weekend, I am heading to the river to wakeboard and enjoy the 3 day weekend, everyone be safe.
Originally posted by noahdSitting on transom, probably not the best idea. Loading weight to one side is probably not the best idea when in an emergency. Having people sit on the weighted side of the boat, not everyone but I have seen most people sitting on the deck part instead inside the boat. When I was younger, a kid in my class fell overboard, when they went over a roller and he fell off the prop cut him just below the his neck, and it killed him. I have seen people fall in the water trying to catch the handle and they miss and fall in the water and take out the surfer. I have seen surfs board cause accidents by popping in the person in the head. But this can be done by wakeskatting as well, probably why I don’t wakeskate either. Cant tell me just because driving @ 10mph you can take care of your rider or your boat in case of emergency, i.e. protecting the rider from other traffic, or turning in the wrong direction depending on what side is the boat is weighted. Far as me griping on Natique forum, well I own a natique, so I should have the right to post my opinion here? I am not a controversial poster, look at my post history. I visit ww, dwb, and plantenatique every day and for the most part contribute to forum instead of pissing people off. I don’t like surfing so what, you can still do it and as one person suggested that I ask them to move, well I am not going to do that I have to share the water with everyone. I am done with this post, I stand by my opinion. Every one have a good weekend, I am heading to the river to wakeboard and enjoy the 3 day weekend, everyone be safe.2018 SAN 230
1981 Ski Nautique
Sold - 2011 Sport 200V
Sold - 2000 SAN
Let me interrupt w/ FACTS:
1. Surfing became famous in CA
2. CA is full of drug-infested hippies (that's right, i used the word "hippies")
3. Wake=Surfers are an inbred degenerative species of surfers who are drug=infested hippies
4. Wake=Surfers are bad!
Now that this issue is resolved, guess i'll go back to helping w/ world peace
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