Well now Michigan is the target

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  • bturner
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jun 2019
    • 1572

    • MI

    • 2016 200 Sport Nautique

    Well now Michigan is the target

    Got this in my email yesterday. Like most lakes we do have our share of *holes that create a problem from surfing 20' away from docks to playing rap music while riding at 7am. Unfortunately, this tends to be the knee jerk action result. I've actually had people come up at our sand bar and have a spirted discussion with me about my tower speakers. And I don't even use them unless I'm a thousand feet offshore and it's past 10 in the morning and no later than 7 in the evening. But here we are....
    Dear Silver Spray Family,

    WE NEED YOUR HELP! Yesterday, Michigan State Representative Julie Rogers of District 41 (Kalamazoo area) introduced a bill (HB 5532) that would limit the use of wake sport boats in our state. "Wake sport mode" refers to the operation of a boat with any wake-enhancing equipment/features engaged. Silver Spray Sports has been working diligently on this matter since we were notified last week to prevent any further restrictions. At this time we have been advised to further inform our customers which is why we are asking for your assistance.

    Language addressed:

    A person shall not operate a vessel in wake sport mode on waters of this state where the water depth is less than 20 feet. A person operating a vessel in wake sport mode shall maintain a distance of not less than 500 feet from the shoreline or a dock, a raft, a buoyed or occupied bathing area, or a vessel moored or at anchor.

    Click here to see the complete bill

    HOW YOU CAN HELP: Before this bill is given a hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee, we need you to contact your State Representative to express your opposition to HB 5532, we have provided a link below for you to contact you Michigan House Representaitve based on your location. This bill is not based on sound science and is reactionary to a few, loud voices. This bill is detrimental to our entire industry, not just the wake sport segment. Please help by reaching out and letting your local representative know how boating is an ESSENTIAL part of your FAMILY AND LIFESTYLE!

    Talking Points with your legislator:
    • MBIA, WSIA and NMMA have a nationwide effort in place to educate wake boat operators to stay 200 ft. away, avoid repeat passes, turn down the music, and be respectful to other boaters and property owners.
    • Many lakes have worked through user plans which ensure no one loses access and all can enjoy the lake safely.
    • A change to 500 ft. set back and 20’ depth has many risks. It will create a smaller usable water surface leading to a higher concentration of boats. This could lead to an increased probability of accidents.
    • The language in the bill may make some lakes unusable. This change may also render personal assets unusable.
    • Any lake restrictions can have negative impact on home values
    • Banning/Regulating a segment of boats will impact the industry not only with less boaters but will have a detrimental impact on business and jobs
    Fact: The Boating Industry in Michigan has an $11.7 billion annual economic impact, with more than 800,000 registered boats, 1,478 businesses and more than 45,000 jobs supported.

    Education is always the preferred method of changed behaviors.

    Regarding bans, banning boat types is a slippery slope. Other boat types can make big waves. It will only be a matter of time until other segments of boating could be affected as well.

    The WSIA (Water Sports Industry Association) has a great resource page with more information on how to wake responsibly.
    Please reach out to our main office with any questions!

    Silver Spray Sports
  • SilentSeven
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Feb 2014
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    "It will create a smaller usable water surface leading to a higher concentration of boats. This could lead to an increased probability of accidents."

    I'm in! Surf rig death match.

    Sometimes these arguments are silly. This is like half admitting you have to space out the rigs as indeed they are dangerous (to each other).

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk

    2004 206 Air Nautique Limited - Black with Vapor Blue (family style)
    1997 Masters Edition Nautique - Zephyr Green - gone (amazing ski wake)
    1982 Mastercraft Powerslot - gone (a primitive but wonderful beast)
    Bellevue WA


    • Scooter G
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • Jan 2022
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      That would about kill the lake we surf on most of the time. End of Summer you would be hard pressed to find much over 20' in depth, and the 500' line would put everyone about dead center. You would have surfs going 11 mph, and boarders running at 23ish mph, ditto SilentSeven. No bueno!

      We had Federal Government a few years ago trying to shut down a lake here to no wake due to "migrating birds". We formed a huge posse of, I wanna say a hundred plus boats. Shut down the town for a few hours pulling a parade in a circle from the lake. I think it made a statement, and the Feds "compromised" to just shutting down one end of the lake. Bless their little hearts.


      • JDC02SANTE
        • Jul 2021
        • 152

        • Indiana

        • 2002 SAN 210 TE

        My boat is always in Michigan so we'll see how this shakes out. I just started getting my son up on a surfboard and wake skate at the end of last season. Hope this doesn't affect me working out the bugs with ballast and shaper on my old, little boat.

        On our lake, it's really only a couple boats (new larger "wake ships") with the kids driving them that I feel are careless to how close they come to shore/piers. Our lake is a horseshoe and of course our side is the narrower side, so the waves really do hit hard. Every tree that the Beavers drop on our lot, or that we pull out of the water, ends up either in the fire pit or conveniently making its way to the waters edge for erosion resistance. Which is nice.

        We don't have a house on the lake and we just camp, so those super early "jam sessions" on the lake can really bring you out of a good whisky stuper when you're in a tent. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy loud music, but there are some "musical choices" that I have a hard time understanding why they think it is anywhere near appropriate. Heck, my youngest is 15 so I'm not worried about his poor little ears, but there are plenty of kids that don't need to hear that.

        OK, I have to stop, I feel like I'm getting older and crankier just typing and nobody needs that.


        • Cosmo
          • May 2018
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          • 2020 GS22 2006 CC Super Air Nautique 210 Limited

          Coming to CT too.


          • bturner
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jun 2019
            • 1572

            • MI

            • 2016 200 Sport Nautique

            Got this back from my rep. Is it possible there is some sanity in the political world? Or, am I impressed because they agreed with me. IDK, but at least this is somewhat positive news for a change....

            Thank you for reaching out to share with me your concerns regarding House Bill 5532. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

            As you know, HB 5532 would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act to limit the use of “wake boats” equipped with wake-enhancing equipment in waters in Michigan lakes and waterways less than 20 feet deep and within 500 feet of the shoreline, a dock, buoyed bathing area, raft, or boat that is moored or at anchor. Currently, HB 5532 has been referred to the Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation Committee, where it is awaiting further review. You can review the language and status of the bill at the link below:

            Like you, I have concerns about the possible unintended consequences legislation such as this could have on the boating industry and the communities that rely on them during the summer months. Communities across our state, including many in the 48th House District like those around the Chain of Lakes, rely on boaters from Memorial Day to Labor Day to support their businesses. With the way this legislation is currently written, it would be very difficult to enforce and would heavily restrict which lakes can be used.

            This bill was introduced with the goal of protecting our shorelines from erosion, docks from damage by large wakes, and preserve our fisheries and lake vegetation. During my time in the legislature, it has been a top priority of mine to support legislation that protects our natural resources and supports Michiganders. However, I believe we can find a solution to ensuring our boating community is still able to participate in watersports on our lakes, while also protecting our valuable natural resources.

            With that said, I am not supporting this legislation in its current form. As we move forward, I will certainly keep your advocacy in mind.

            Once again, thank you for contacting my office. If I can be of further assistance on this issue or any other, please do not hesitate to contact me at (517) 373-7557 or JenniferConlin@house.mi.gov.


            Jennifer A. Conlin
            Representative, District 48

