Does anyone out there know what the true warranty is for 2007? I looked on their website and it says to call or email them for information. Why do they have to be so private??? Do they have something to hide?
So if some people think that GOD does not exist, why do legal documents such as insurance and warranties referance "Acts of GOD"?
I think that means there must be some supreme being that has a hand in what is going on.
Just a Jack Handy thought.
I predict: very soon CA will come out w/ a law stating that insurance co.s will have to state, "...act of IT. "IT" has no gender & is not relation to Gomez's cousin. "IT" is whomever or whatever you choose to believe, as long as "IT" does not offend an animal, distract your driving, emit anything, and has no relation with/investment in/ or anything to do with, the Florida voting system." I could go on, (sorry for this 1) but I don't want to "push 'IT'". Yellow_Flash_Colorz:\"The voices aren\'t real...but they have some good ideas.\"