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It's the classic discussion of Ford -Vs- Chevy, Xbox -Vs- Playstation, Correct Craft -Vs- anything else.
With all due respect N211, no it wasn't. It was a 15 second humurous exchange between two strangers that ended in laughter and good wishes for the New Year. Please don't read anything else into it.
I understand and can appreciate this scene to its fullest. we are just as much friends with our MC dealer as we are w/ our CC one. This is b/c the MC dealer used to be affiliated w/ the pro shop that we frequent.... anyway... the first time we pulled into the MC dealer just to say hi and talk about some stuff with the boat, he saw us, saw the boat, and then said, "What the **** is this piece of **** doing in my lot?"
we both laughed...
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
the first time we pulled into the MC dealer just to say hi and talk about some stuff with the boat, he saw us, saw the boat, and then said, "What the heck is this piece of *** doing in my lot?" we both laughed...
So true you have no idea.... LOL
The person who said \"Money can\'t buy happiness\" never rode behind an \"OLD\" 210.
no, i get the joke (u guys are humorous) i'm just sayin that dane cook isn't very funny. about 90% of his jokes are drug out for about 30 minutes (29 minutes longer than they should take lol)
thats true... he makes what should be a very simple story very long and tedius... but, then again, thats part of his style i guess... its part of what makes it funny... one of his funniest skits, the "chicken sangwich" is about 10 min long....
i agree with some people when they say that his material sucks, but he says it and gets it across so funny, we laugh...
very different from some other comics i like a lot: lewis black, john leguizamo, mitch hedberg, etc... if u like short jokes, u'll love mitch hedberg...
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
Mitch Hedberg is good stuff. Too bad he won't have any new material coming out anytime soon.
Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci