I have read and heard horror stories about taking a ski/wakeboard boat on a house boating trip to lake powell. I have seen pics. of swamped boats that were towed behind the houseboat. I can not decide if it is worth even taking my '05 SAN. Can anybody advise? Also, can anybody offer advise on do's and dont's of a powell houseboating trip, what to take along, etc... Thanks.
Seen some of the same on Wakeworld. Seems to me, you simply can't tow your boat through narrow spots or extreme whitecap when it's very busy or when the wind is blowing through there. The couple stories I have seen are of people who got nailed by a big boat's wake and could not respond fast enough. If the water is crappy, then you may have to drive your boat through it so you can turn into the roller and get the nose over them.
Arguably one of the most epic lakes ever for great conditions, there would be no way I would not take my boat to Powell, absolutely no way.
Don't tow through the narrows unless you are passing really early in the morning in good weather. Get a bow cover as it can stop most of the water if a rogue wave hits you. Pay attention and get in your boat if bad weather is upon you. With that said, my buddy lost his 03 Tige a few years back. He found out that it does float when it is filled with water!sigpic
Everything Flux said is correct. YOU have to watch the conditions. If they are bad, find a cove and tie up to wait it out.
Although we have never done the Powell trip we have houseboated on Lake Shasta to many times to count and in every conceivable condition including major thunderstorms. If conditions were such that we felt unsafe about towing, one of us drove our SN along side or in front or we pulled int a cove and waited. One mistake I have seen ... is people towing the boat too FAR back. It is counter productive because as the towed boat goes up and down over rollers, it buries the tow rope and pulls the bow down. It is actually better to keep the towed boat closer, just not too close. Also make sure it is tracking striaght, unless you are towing 2, then have each turned out slightly.
In any event ... to go to Powell without a boat ... Why go?
Have a great trip!
we recently took a powell trip and it was incredible.. i had my 211 and we did fine.. the water does get choppy in some of the big channels but it was no problem ( avoid the rollers from the tour boats)
i would not let the houseboat tow my 211... that would be a disaster in the channels..
going to powell without a nautie is sin (let me know and i'll bring mine !!!! :razz: