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The post is about racks. Throw a boat in the picture and we loose sight of everything. Stay focused people!!!!! I wonder how well they hold a wakeboard, if they bounce around at full throtle, looks like good quality quess we'll have to wait for the reviews. I am a nautique guy but if those are standard (even optional) equipment on a non-nautique i may have to seriously consider a switch!!! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
I know I'm getting older, and my eyes aren't what they use to be, but I swear to you, I cant even FIND the boat in that picture.. hmmm...I'll keep trying Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
2008 Super Air 210----- Current Boat
2007 Super Air 220 ----- Former Boat
2004 SV 211 ----- Former Boat
1990 Sport Nautique ---- Former Boat
...Yeah, and i heard that just sitting in a Nautique make girls boobs bigger!!! I think Harvard did a study on it, so it's actually a scientific fact...haha