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Thankyou!!!!!! These guys think that I have all the time in the world to screw around with the boat. I work all day, and when I get home I work. Not to mention the two kids and the nagging wife. I had to do two weekends of straight honey-do's before I could start on the boat.
It's alright. My attention to detail is more that the others. They would just do it and not to my perfection.
Anyways...anyone got any answers to the unanswered questions #1, #3, and #5?
It always amazes me how much dirt and buildup you find when you remove cushions or panels - hats off to you for taking the time to fully clean a boat that was not that well taken care of prior. I know how it feels to buy it used and give it a full cleaning over - the boat will thank you for sure PDT_003
And tell your buddy to get over to your house and help you. Riding season will come a lot sooner with two bodies putting some elbow grease into the boat (the 'more-the-merrier' theory of cleaning ). :grin:
#1, I would keep them black
#3, around $40,- . Contact White Lake Marine
#5, Take them off, and for another $40,- you have 2 new ones with a little better finish. Again, contact White Lake Marine.
Btw, nice cleaning on the SAN. We did that with the boat we sold last winter... It was very clean at delivery!! Good luck!
Surprise, battery of my 2003 is on the opposite side. Why?
Agree, on good claening. But wait for 10 years before ripping it apart.
Timing could be better, sholud say start this in wintertime.
I took of the tower and broke some of the bolts also the seize of the thread was a problem.
Hows your bilge looking, are you going to pull all tanks, gas also.
Futher, a welcome thing from CC should be to place a partslist of all parts on the internet. So privates can order on partnumber at the dealers. This should be a value thing. Quick odering and raising the parts sales. Theirs a lot of things that should be replaced over time, but are never done due to lack of time and lack of dealer interest.
Same on the hoses. Manual says disconnect all fore winter drain. Big yoke.
I'm gonna leave the gastank in. I took off the cover and will clean the carpet in between the cracks. The bilge area actually looks pretty good.
On my #5 question, has anyone looked at replacing the older black rubber foot pads with the newer chrome ones. Thes look to be much better.
Jos...I think on the tower I will put some antiseize compound on the exposed threads to keep that from happening.
So I got one vote for keeping the #1 items black. Any other opinions? If I keep them black I need to atleast sand primer and paint them as there are scratches on them.
Gizmo...you can have all the rain you want. It is pouring here right now. I'm pretty sure that it washed all $50 of bermuda seed that I put out this past weekend.
In by buddies defense, he does live in Houston and has a lame *** job where he only gets two days off during the middle of the week.
2" of rain in Columbus on Sunday night, 2+" rain Tuesday, and it is raining right now. I am sure we have had over 5" of rain in the last 3 days!
I hope some if it is north west of Austin, as Travis really needs some of the water. I was told it was still 20' low prior to this weekend, but it has gained 5' in the last couple days.
Colorado river is nearing its banks here in Columbus, and the Brazos was looking quite full when I crossed it at I-10 this morning. I just hope Somerville is filling up, but if it is rain in CS like it is here, that should not be a problem.
BTW, if it was me, I would not spend all that time cleaning the boat, but spend it at the Chicken!
Ag....For the record, I despise the Chicken. I think it is the dirtiest of the dirt holes. There are some other places though I would rather spend my time at than cleaning.
All my comments are for kicks and laughs. Besides he would never let me help anyways. There is a certain way things should be done and he is only one that can do it. I just supply the gas, beer, and have the boat ready when he gets to the lake. So maybe I dont help clean but I think it is a good trade off that all he has to do is get out of his car and ride.
The cover you need to the lifting eyes should cost about $20. I will search the part number.
About chroming the 3 pieces, i've polished mines. I don't thing that chroming aluminium is a good idea, but ... I left mines with some sanding lines, not completly polished and i think that the result is acceptable, specially because of the look after get a lot of finger marks.
I will get some photos.
Good luck with the cleaning process.