Time for Spring Cleaning...Bare Naked Nautique

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  • Andrew
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Aug 2005
    • 891

    • Tuscaloosa, AL

    i wouldn't go as far as comparing it to a reef girl, but it looks pretty friggin sweet


    • bmh2208
      • Apr 2004
      • 288

      • Austin

      • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

      Andrew...that is true, but that was the only metaphor that I could come up with that even came close to describing something so perfect (especially Leticia's on this months WB Mag).

      Okay guys...I finally finished with the waxing. I'm done. I used Zaino ZPC, Z-3 and then Z-8. This stuff is ridiculous. Here are the last pics of the finish I promise. I know you guys are probably tired of seeing the same thing. I promise more progress to come with other stuff.

      On another note...I decided to drop the vents and the pylon trim ring off at the chromer's. I'll post some pics when I get them back. Cross your fingers that it doesn't look too ghetto!



      • csparks13
        • Jun 2006
        • 39

        B, whos yellow bike is that in the reflection? I coming in on thursday to put the shine on those seats. Cant wait to see the speaker install.


        • bmh2208
          • Apr 2004
          • 288

          • Austin

          • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

          Cody and Clint stopped by. I thought it was a cool shot. I haven't done anything on the speakers yet. I have to make room in the garage before I start to work on those.


          • csparks13
            • Jun 2006
            • 39

            I will be there tomorrow so maybe we can make that happen.


            • BHog
              • Dec 2006
              • 207

              • Rockwall, TX

              I know you are using the Zaino products. Are you applying it with a buffer or by hand? I need to wax my boat but always heard bad storys about buffers on the gel coat. That shine on your boat is NICE!!


              • bmh2208
                • Apr 2004
                • 288

                • Austin

                • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

                I applied the Z-PC using a foam polishing pad. I got the one that hook into a drill. You can get them that work with a right angle buffer as well. The ease and size of the drill makes using that ideal since you are really only doing about a 2ft square at a time. The main problem with using high speed buffers is the technique. You want to remember to to exceed the suggested RPM's and always keep moving. When you hear about people messing up their gelcoat with a buffer, it is because they kept it in one place for too long and then burn the top surface.

                For the Z-3, you only need to do it by hand. It is really not like wax in a normal sense where you work in a circular motion to work it into the surface. This stuff is more of an optical coating that only takes you having to wipe it on to work.


                • BHog
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 207

                  • Rockwall, TX

                  Do you have to rub hard to get the wax off by hand??


                  • jhiestand
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Jul 2003
                    • 778

                    • Columbus, Ohio

                    • 08 Super Air 210

                    I've been keeping an eye on this thread and I have to agree that it's off the hook anal retentive!! I don't necessarily agree that it'll hurt the boat and/or the resale if putting it back together IS DONE CORRECTLY. It's very well known that autos can be redone better than new, and boats are significantly less evolved than cars. Case in point, I cleaned up wax pencil markings made from the factory behind vinyl areas, the stock power & ground leads to my dash power module were not sufficient to run multiple accessories at the same time, and there's been a ton of discussion regarding the FlowRite valves used by CC. All items which if addressed correctly are improvements to the boat. I'd certainly heap Grant West's boat in with the ones that are better than when they left the factory. :grin:

                    Rant aside, I see you're using Zaino for your detail work. Corvette guys are rabid about that stuff and I use it on my C5. The stuff's too expensive for me to use on my truck, tho. I'll be interested to see how well it works for you on your boat!
                    '08 Super Air Nautique 210


                    • bmh2208
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 288

                      • Austin

                      • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

                      Bhog....everything Zaino that I use is super easy to get off. The Z-PC is probably the hardest, but it is easier than normal wax to remove, just make sure you use the correct towel. The Z-3 is really easy. It doesn't take any force to get off. It's more of a wipe off than buff off type of thing. I guess because it seems more like a coating than a wax.


                      • csparks13
                        • Jun 2006
                        • 39

                        B,. did you take off the nautique stickers from the back?


                        • bmh2208
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 288

                          • Austin

                          • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

                          No. just the crappy hyperlite one!


                          • 92Excel
                            • Dec 2003
                            • 103

                            • Virginia/Lake Anna & C-ville

                            Re: RE: 03 sante

                            Originally posted by gotwake
                            Originally posted by csparks13
                            I ride with this guy and it looks like we not going to be doing very much of that in the near future. Anyone need a third?
                            Uh... maybe go over and help him?

                            Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz:

                            Exactly, you've added to the filth, go help!!


                            • bmh2208
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 288

                              • Austin

                              • 77 CC American Skier '83 2001 '03 SAN

                              RE: Re: RE: 03 sante

                              So I finally had some help this weekend. I got the cleats and the gas caps polished with some eagle one chrome cleaner (the fabric stuff that you pull apart and it gets black when you rub it). They looked pretty good after they are all cleaned up. The cleats are pretty cool. I disassembled them (duh!) to clean them better. I never knew how they would stay out by themselves. There is actually a few springs and steel balls that sits into indents to stay at a certain height and also stay closed I also got them bolted back in. I went and got some 3M 4200 sealant and put that on the areas where water could seep through.

                              I put my buddies to work cleaning all the interior parts. I got them about 4 boxes of magic eraser and had them go at it. They actually cleaned them pretty close to my liking. Getting in around all the piping, etc. It's amazing how that stuff makes the seats look brand new. I got a brand new bottle of 303 that I'll spray on them now to protect them.

                              I'm finally to the point where I am starting to put stuff back on the boat. Things should start to happen much faster now.



                              • Nates78Ski
                                • Jan 2005
                                • 323

                                • Rossford, Ohio

                                RE: Re: RE: 03 sante

                                ooooh! i like the new living room decor... what does the little lady think of it? hahaha Looking good man, keep it up & get it back together so you can get back out on the water.

                                My \'78 SN

