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ag4ever, I agree with you. I think bmh was posting on here for positive feedback. Dont get me wrong I feel he got what he wanted. I dont understand why people feel they need to give their negative opinions. Ok, yeah bmh was crazy to start this project the time that he did. Its his boat, if you think it is stupid click the back button and go on to another thread that you might understand the reason for its existence. I understand constructive criticism, and that is always welcome. This is probably one of the most in depth threads on here, why would you want to lock it? The project is only 3/4 the way done. I do apologize for taking things off topic. Just figured it was ok to talk in between projects.
ag4ever, I agree with you. I think bmh was posting on here for positive feedback. Dont get me wrong I feel he got what he wanted. I dont understand why people feel they need to give their negative opinions. Ok, yeah bmh was crazy to start this project the time that he did. Its his boat, if you think it is stupid click the back button and go on to another thread that you might understand the reason for its existence. I understand constructive criticism, and that is always welcome. This is probably one of the most in depth threads on here, why would you want to lock it? The project is only 3/4 the way done. I do apologize for taking things off topic. Just figured it was ok to talk in between projects.
3/4 of the way done?
From what it looks like he is back at the starting point. He will have to take it apart again to get all those jello-shots out of it.
You would think that somone who takes this much time to clean a boat would have rules to keep it clean. He is the leader when it comes to shots and shotguning beers. Brandon sorry about the blood on the boat last week. I will try not to let it happen again.
Thats true. We might be back to where I started. No......it definitely still cleaner that when we got it. Atleast now, I know where I started and I feel good about that. It is actually alot easier to keep clean now that I don't have that idea in the back of my mind of....what kinda of crud will I find behind that part, etc.
sorry bmh i think i spilled some gasolina in the boat yesterday! It's ok though because yesterday became the first official topless day in the boat. ...and bottomless at one point I think! can we post video on this thing?
csparks you might want to order some new fins for your board...
yes I am ready to finish the project, lets get everything else installed please!
Just to show there is still progress to be made on this project...you can plainly see the small hole in the lower left corner of this picture. This would be a hole where the hand rails were never mounted back into the boat in the bow area. So obviously the project has not been finished...and if I'm correct, the seats and upholstery all have to be removed in order to put the handrails back in. Makes me wonder why so much time goes into a project like this and then something gets overlooked when putting the puzzle back together. Remember...try and concentrate on the hole (lower left corner)