2-4" of snow today and 1-3 tomorrow. It was 80 degrees 10 days ago!!!!!!!!!!
RE: weather
nut up boyz! ou have gone boarding in the rain right? well snow is the same thing, as long as the water is open, RIDE!!!
Just Kidding, I hate this weather too, but on the bright side, the way the weather has been, it could be in the 90's by next week?
RE: weather
I don't see any snow. I just arrived in St. Paul from Alabama for business. It was raining when I got here, but I didn't see snow. Does suck though. Alabama weather is just about the same. Was in the 80's for 2 weeks then dropped to 40's with lows in the 20's last weekend.Jason
All black 2003 SANTE
-- Southern Fried --
RE: weather
Nice to see open water. In New Hampshire we have frozen lakes, temps stuck in the 30's and
40's with snow storm potentials for Thusday and Sunday follow by a rainy forecast for next week.
It kills me not to play golf here in NH or coach my little league team outside. They are sick of gym drills. Can't believe May is 2 1/2 weeks away.