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It's a way to get your boats in front of a lot of people.
I agree, but isnt it a way to get your Wakeboard boat in front of a lot of Bass Fishermen . Seems like they should do that to a Skeeter or something. I dont have any data to back that up, but it doesnt seem too far fetched. :???:
2008 Super Air 210----- Current Boat
2007 Super Air 220 ----- Former Boat
2004 SV 211 ----- Former Boat
1990 Sport Nautique ---- Former Boat
yeah there was one of these @ the Detroit Boat show this winter. My dad & i were both like "what the F***?" but there were quite a few passersby (probably on their way to the bass boats) that were absolutely in love with the thing, taking pictures all over it. It was up probably like 10-15 ft off the ground & i actually heard a woman say 'Why dont you have this one on the ground? and put that boat up in the air? (referring to a GORGEOUS 196) I'd love to walk around that boat & im sure alot more people would than walk around that thing(The Nautique)" Needless to say, the woman received a dropkick to the throat from me, hahaha j/k. But if i HAD done it, i don't think it wuold have been such a bad thing. (BTW I like my Nascar, and am not a redneck basher by anymeans, But i will say these things, as useless as they look, it definitely got people interested in a ski/wake boat that would normally have walked right past it on their way to their Rinker's)
Deester. I live by the texas motor speedway and people have been camping out there since before Easter. I try not to get out too much when nascar is town.
Marketing, They wouldnt make them if people wouldnt purchase them. I see plenty of #20 or #8 Monte Carlo SS special edition copies on the hightway especially in the south, what is the difference? Win on Sunday, sell a new boat on Monday!
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,