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After seeing M3fan's boat - I had flashback's. My buddy Rick and I used to ride year round. He still has his 95 SN (Red/Black) with around 1300 hrs on it and it purrs like a kitten. He is the one who got me interested in boating and is really the one responsible for giving me this disease. Love ya bro!
Here's Rick - (and ya, it was cold)
The person who said \"Money can\'t buy happiness\" never rode behind an \"OLD\" 210.
Yeah, Jeff Warner of CC took me skiing last October while I was visiting Orlando. As I was putting on my ski, he nonchalantly mentioned "now, you know there are gators in this lake". He was serious. I about filled my drawers. I didn't want to be a yankee weeny so I went ahead and skied. Later I found out that the gators are not near as menacing as the water moccassins.
Amen to that! I grew up in Texas on Lake Lewisville, never could get over the fear of water moccasins or the snapping turtles. Consequently, my parents traded the boat for a swimming pool.
I'll take my hat off to all you guys down south, I prefer clean cold water and an 8 month season.
That is why I am careful as to where I ski. The snapping turtles aren't too bad. They stay away from you. The sankes are kinda scary, and I was in a bass boat that took water over the bow once. When it did there was a snake swiming right through. luckily it went over the other side as we all jumped into the back of the boat. If had remained in the boat I would have been in the lake.
I do most of my boating on Lake Travis, where you can see about 10 feet down in the water. At least that way you can see if something is going to get you. The last time I was on travis though, there were so many floating debris feilds of sick that we just pulled right out and left. No need to mess up the boat by hitting a log you did not see.
Ya'll are definately extreme! I still am phobic about dark water from growing up around it in the deep south. Skinny dipping at night with the latest supermodel aint happening for me--and not just because I'm old and overweight.
882001 I'll take your word for it on the alligators--The Crocidile Hunter thinks they are pretty cool too!
Icap... talk about being phobic about some water conditions. I am amaized by all those who ski in waters with snapping turtles and alligators and in those shallow lakes in Florida. I'm just starting to get rid of my phobia over shallow water and driftwood. I know it sounds stupid, but ever since I was young, I've hated both of those. And when I say driftwood, I don't meen twigs, I mean huge tree trunks. And about shallow water, even if was 20ft deep and I could see the bottom, it was considered "shallow" by me. This kinda sucks when we go skiing in this really clean lake in Maine... :lol:
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]