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Salus Marine Wear has the best vest. Model is BIJOUX CN-330. It rotates the child face up all the time! My daughter wears hers at boat and pool. This one was rated 9-25lbs. Believe you can get one down from there.
Hey, congrats on the new baby! We are expecting our first in September. Are you already taking yours out on the water? I was wondering how long people generally waited before venturing out.
We started taking both our girls out when they were about 5-6months. They were both born in Jan though so it was abut the right timing. Problem is the Texas heat and babies needing to take a nap mid-morning. Ours are now 6.5 and 2.5 so I take them out whenever possible. I just bought the 6.5yo old her own wakeboard so she is in training.
82, We have an HO neoprene we've used since our girl was 3 months. It's always been a little big. This weekend, we found an Obrien Neoprene which is the smallest we've found so far. BKH
Thats funny...I just bought an O'brien today. I found it at Sam's club.
My little girl hasn't made it out on the nautique yet (loud pipes aren't too good for a tiny baby's ears), but she's been on many evening cruises on the pontoon. Got a 'friendly' reminder from the fuzz last weekend to get her in a lifejacket next time out.
Thanks to all for the advice.
Neo Infant vests - we went through several vests that just caused the babies to be irritated. Finally found a neo vest at Performance Ski - wish I could remember manufacturer - seems like it was in the $80 range - wonderful item used with two infants - on the boat at around 4 months each now 7 an 5 years old.