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It would be a lot easier on a smaller board. I have been trying way too hard to throw it around. Believe me. I have almost had that trick about 5000 times. I finally have it figure out, at least for me. I pretty much try to just throw a 180, looking over my back shoulder. The key is toe pressure, then kind of pivot on your back heel. The board comes around every time if you keep looking, but slow enough that you can stay down in the trough. Just spot the rear corner of the boat, and you will have it. Done exactly right, you don't drift back at all.
A friend broke this down and started doing them this way after he had them by throwing them really hard. He gets them every time now. I am not quite there, but will be soon.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
Where in the actual wake do your start the turn? Ive been speeding in from a ways back and then start the turn prob 3-4ft from the boat???? Def agree w/ toe pressure, as soon as im facing the boat im still on my heel and cant transfer weight fast enough.
Once I can get it down with this board (5'6) itll make all other small boards easier.
Right behind the deck. I used to go flying up from 10-12 feet back. I think you get going too fast and cannot control your spin. Now I just get to the spot and initiate the spin with a slight upturn on the wave. When you come back around, spot the boat, and get on your front foot. This is a lot slower than how we were doing it before, and how you are in your vid. It gives you time to transfer your weight. Because of doing it right behind the deck you have more wave keeping you pushed forward, rather than drifting high in the wake and losing it.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang