HELP! We need members. We ski at a private lake approx 20 northeast of Columbus, Ohio. Last summer we had 7 members but only 5 skied much. One member took time off for injuries and another was too busy (hard to believe). We may possibly have only 4 members next summer and would like to add 2 or 3 others. The lake is fairly well protected with very little backwash. It's about 1700 ft long so doesn't sit well for footing and boarding is frowned on because of erosion. Costs are reasonable, there's no club boat, members each have one. Our talents range from 15off to 32+off. If anyone ski's in the area and is interested please contact us. Addresses are below.
Also, any ideas for spreading the word to possible members with such a small target group?
Thanks, Tim
tjweinmann at yahoo dot com
steve dot newell at woolpert dot com
Also, any ideas for spreading the word to possible members with such a small target group?
Thanks, Tim
tjweinmann at yahoo dot com
steve dot newell at woolpert dot com