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I was going to build the Gazebo on the edge of my dock down by the lake but I thought ...I might just as well build the deck with floats on it and I can then take it out fishing too. It has a15,000# capacity.
The deck is 18ft x 18ft with 12 plastic foam filled dock floats that are 4ft x 4ft by 18 inch. high. and the Gazebo is 10 ft. Hexagon with a table and chairs inside.
Under the table is my trolling motor so I can take it out to my favorite fishing hole. The trolling motor is remote controlled wireless so I can be fishing outside and operate the motor. On the top of the table I have a LOWRANCE Fish-Finder with depth sounding sonar�s and temp gauge.
I have 2 electric winches with 40# anchors. I have also built in a water pump so I can clean the fish right on the spot.
Now I can relax and fish while my wife can sit and relax.
2016 G23 H6
2014 G23 550
2013 G23 450 (Great boat)
2008 230 Team-ZR6- ACME 1235 ( back in a Nautique again)
2005 Malibu LSV 23 wakesetter (Real Dumb Mistake)
2000 SAN ( Loved that boat)
1998 Air Nautique ( our first boat)
1. u need the crest graphics.
2. have u sent your patent royalty check to cc?
I was thinking of a confederate flag and a beer can. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
What are ya talking? That's my design. The Streamline 196-6 7/8"....there abouts. It's not square, so that's a rough estimate. Yellow_Flash_Colorz: 8-)
Don't want to be a player hater, but I just built a new pad down by the lake and thought your place would fit nicely as a neighbor! You can park here anytime! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
If you don\'t do it today, you will be one day older when you do!!
Don't want to be a player hater, but I just built a new pad down by the lake and thought your place would fit nicely as a neighbor! You can park here anytime! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Heck yeah podner!! Much obliged!! (cue theme song from Thr Jeffersons)...."Lets go there sugar babe........well we're movin' on up...................MOVIN' ON UP!!! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
HEY! if correctcraft copies this idea, which 1 will they give to Jeff? How about that nice blue 1 on the upper right?
AUSTIN! how about the green 1 on theleft? u could reshape that fan into a Menorah. As long as you don't mind the fancy curtain door way Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
\"The voices aren\'t real...but they have some good ideas.\"