While I'm a huge fan of the site, I feel like the homepage could use some adjustment. I frequent a number of forums and what I really look for on every site is new posts. This allows me to see what activity has taken place without sifting through forums to find new threads. I feel like the homepage could use some restructuring, mostly because the primary content is industry updates, which although I'm sure some people appreciate, I don't really come to the site to find out what record a CC rider has broken or what some company director happens to think. Personally, I know I would contribute more if I could see more forum activity on the home page, instead of dated corporate announcements. I don't manage any forums but I happen to be a big fan of this format if anyone (Jeff) cares, www.motorgeek.com, which I think has a great community and site format. Currently I can only view the past FOUR forum posts on the right hand scroll bar of PN which is lame I think. The emphasis should be on the user content, not the industry announcements which seem to absorb most of the PN homepage content. Maybe this has to do with financial support from CC but I prefer to keep a site subjective.