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Welcome to the site! Below are directions on how to post pictures.
• How do I attach pictures to my post?
1. Select the “Post Reply” icon at the bottom left hand side of the post you want to reply to.
2. Type in your subject and message.
3. Scroll down and you will see an “Add an Attachment” button. Click this.
4. This will refresh the screen and a new area will appear under the button.
5. Go down to “Filename” and select the “Browse” button.
6. Browse your pc and find the file you would like to attach.
7. Fill out the “File Comment” and select the “Add Attachment” button.
8. This will again refresh your page. It will appear as though no pictures were attached.
9. Repeat this process until you have all attached pictures and are ready to post.
10. Press the “Submit” button to post your topic or reply.
**If you want to see what items you currently have attached to your post go back up to the “Options” line and you will see the “Add an Attachment” and “Posted Attachments.” If you select “Posted Attachments” the attachments you have added will be displayed.
This info can also be found in our FAQ under Forum Questions. Let me know if you need additional assistance.