In keeping with PLANETNAUTIQUE's standard procedures around security, our site software will be upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin this evening (October 29, 2024) at 8:00 PM Eastern time.
This is a major revision of the site software (we're going from version 5 to version 6), so the site may be down for a little while while the upgrade takes place. You may notice some new features after the upgrade as well.
I have tested this upgrade on our test site and found no issues, so I expect the upgrade to go smoothly. That being said, you never know, so please be patient waiting for the upgrade to be completed.
This is a major revision of the site software (we're going from version 5 to version 6), so the site may be down for a little while while the upgrade takes place. You may notice some new features after the upgrade as well.
I have tested this upgrade on our test site and found no issues, so I expect the upgrade to go smoothly. That being said, you never know, so please be patient waiting for the upgrade to be completed.