i want to add it to my 05 nautique. where is the best place to have the antenna mounted?
- Feb 2008
- 137
- Dallas, TX
- 2018 G23 - Current 2013 G23 - For Sale 2008 - 230 SAN TE - SOLD 2003 210 SAN TE - SOLD
RE: add sirius radio
I have my antenna mounted on top of the tower on the center crossbar with double sided velcro, just ran the wire right along side the tower speak wires. I have never had a problem with it and there is no chance of not having a clear line of sight for the antenna.
RE: add sirius radio
I had the antenna mounted on my 07 SANTE 220 last weekend in front of my windshield on the starboard side. I chose the starboard side due to the walk thru windshield that when open rests on the port(left) side. It works great.