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I need to do something with my FM antenna. I replaced the short pigtail with a longer wire and tucked it under the deck which helped a lot but it needs to be better. Any suggestions?
We use an electronic 'T' type antenna that is amplified in order to significantly extend range. Also, this antenna does not require a ground plane. Its not something that is recommended for an automobile due to the high driving speeds in the midst of a constantly changing landscape (large buildings creating multipath: reflected and out of phase radio signals). But without these obstacles in marine it works great. These are the same antennas used as OEM by most builders of motoryachts and cruisers. Other factors will affect reception. If you are 75 miles from the source there is little help. If you are recessed in a canyon of sorts this will impede horizontally transmitted FM. Nearby TV or FM towers can cause interference.
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I did install it and it is a little better than the wire. Still weak but definitely better. I still haven't decided on a mounting location so it is just tucked under some wires so it might be better when mounted. The problem is that I need to experiment when I am at the lake and then I want to ski!
Antenna location and orientation will make a big difference when you are on the fringe of reception.
Higher and above RF obstructions like engine blocks and wiring harnesses helps.
Its a 'T' so turning it on its side so the two elements are vertical may keep the effectiveness from getting so directional.
You can get a coax extension that may allow more freedom of placement.
Has everyone added an antenna? My 2010 210 won't get any reception, I just figured it was a setting on the clarion head unit. Any add the antenna to get FM stations? and any links would be helpful.
satellite radio my friend. i've had it since it came out and have never looked back. i don't know if they still have it, but i bought lifetime subscriptions for 600 each. one for my boat and one for my truck. that was about 4 years ago. also, you can get it for your vehicle, and then pay 2.99 a month and just stream it on your iphone via the aux input of your head unit, or if you have blue tooth h/u i guess you can do it that way also.
I do own stock in Sirius xm, but it's still far superior to any pandora, spotify(eurotrash), etc. The content is by far better than anything else out there; it also has things no other mediums have.
no 3G service on my lake so E(edge) network isn't going to be able to steam XM or Pandora, currently I download all my music during the week and sync to an 8gig MP3 player that stays in the boat, so you don't get phone noises or have to keep swapping out phones.
Back to my original question do the Clarion head units come with an Antenna? my head unit hasn't been able to pick up anything FM or AM.