The 'wetbox' seems to be made of hdpe. Any tips on changing the color from yellow to grey? Sand it, prime it, paint it, clear it? What grit paper and what cheap paint will work best? Thanks alot
Most plastics you can paint. But polyethylene is one plastic known for not sticking anything. I use polyethylene when I do not want fiberglass resin, or epoxy, or ant thing else to stick to it. Most paints you could apply to polyethylene, and after the paint is dry, you could just peel the paint off in one big sheet.
- May 2004
- 295
- Huntsville, AL
- 2008 Super Air Nautique 210 2003 Super Air Nautique Team 210 2001 Super Air Nautique Team 210 1999 Super Air Nautique 210 1994 Mastercraft Prostar 190 1992 Manta Ray 189 Sport
I had my local Line-X place spray my sub box. It turned out really good, and I'd highly reccomend that. It was just a little over $100...