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Just get the highest rated starting battery you can find that will fit in your battery compartment. You don't need a deep cycle battery, those are for trolling motors! You can't go wrong with a die-hard, or Interstate.
I would say it is a good idea to go with a deep cycle or at least with a dual purpose in a marine application if you are going to use the battery for any purpose at rest that will deplete it. Cranking batteries have little tolerance for this type of use.
A Group 34 is shorter, therefore smaller and therefore provides less capacity than the standard and larger Group 24 battery. The Optima batteries have served us well as long as you understand what you sacrifice with the more compact package.
The problem with the Group 24 is, unless something has changed over the later generations of the TSC hull, it won't fit in the battery box. 34 will fit. So will 65. 65 is easier to find. I'm a huge fan of the Delco starting battery. My experience with the Optima blue top was not good. I think it was dead beyond help in under 9 months IIRC. I don't do a ton of engine off radio listening and my system isn't overly powerful. For me, a starting battery fits the bill (and the battery box).
Personally have had good luck with Optima's. 4 season old blue top was still fine at the end of last year and it has led a tough life, single battery pushing 2 amps, 6 speakers, 1 sub and a pair of NVS Tyrants. Had dual red tops in my Suburban that lasted 8yrs. Never had a conventional battery last beyond 3 seasons.
I might be selling the boat and didn't want to go overboard and also didn't want to get a crap battery. Optima is made in Mexico now Should I charge these before use with ctek or na? Thanks
Another dumb question-I'll have 2 deep cycles on a perko 1,2,all, Orr switch. Shouldn't they be in parallel? So I can run 1 one time out and the other next time , etc
Paralleled 12 volt batteries stay the same voltage and double in current. Seriesed batteries sum voltage but stay the same current. With the switch in the 'ALL' or 'BOTH' position the batteries are in parallel.
If both the batteries are the same size and are both deep cycle, it will extend the lifespan of your collective batteries by alternating weekend roles.
Every deep cycle battery has a limited amount of quantity of cycles times depth of cycles. Depth of cycles are far more degenerative than quantity of cycles. So its not a linear ratio of comparison.
A fatigued battery in parallel with a more healthy battery (whenever the switch is in the 'ALL' position so that both get a charge while the boat is running or if in parallel at rest) will serve to bring the healthier battery down to its level. So it is to your advantage to alternate these and keep the batteries as equal as possible as they age.
I had a Optima Blue Top, lasted 4 yrs without much use, and I recently purchased a Duracell AGM, so I will have to see how that goes. IMO, I wish I would have gone back to my Interstate for the $$, and then it doesn't hurt as much to replace every 4-5 yrs.