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I question the placement of the bottom set... Those rear seat passengers are going to be hating life without earplugs! IMHO they would have better output to the rider higher up on the tower, plus your passengers would appreciate it more. Your boat, your rules though... Rock on!
It was quite the lengthy debate by the peanut gallery (wife and friends).
Final placement came down to not wanting to bump our heads in that center section (wife), giving the swivel racks enough room to spin with boards on it (me), and making sure side seats didn't hit their head when sitting (friends).
The Rev10s up top are exceptionally loud regardless, so side additions are just adding insult to injury, lol. All and all, everyone is pretty happy with final placement and it's now crystal clear 75ft back.
Which amps did you go with ? I am also going with 6 rev10s but I'm struggling with the amp set up. I think I am going to go with 2 sd6 amps, wetsounds said I could just gain them down to get around 400 watt to each speaker. Interested to see which ones you went with and what your opinion is ? Thanks !