New G25 Stereo Done....

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  • jrz1
    • Jan 2013
    • 215

    • Lake Norman, NC

    • 2013 G25 XS 550

    New G25 Stereo Done....

    All I can say is wow. Sounds stupid and trite but that pretty well sums it up. Replaced all the stock in-boat speakers with Wetsounds XS-650's powered by a Wetsounds SD4 (170W per), added 2 pairs of Rev 10's on the tower powered by a single SD2 (400W per) and replaced the stock sub with a Wetsounds XS-XXXv2 powered by a single SD2 (1250W). Also had LED's put on cup holders and rear vents and had a single LED "dome" light placed on the tower where the rope holder is. All controlled by a WS-420SQ. I also had 2 1100 lb sacs put in the 2 rear compartments.

    System is really incredible. It will play as loud as you want it and stays unbelievably clear, especially the bass. I'm probably stupid but I never even turned the stock system on to listen to it. Boat went straight from dealer upon delivery to the stereo shop and I put it in the water for the first time tomorrow. It wasn't cheap but if you can afford this boat, you can afford the stereo if it is a priority for you. I'm really happy with it.

  • Mikeski
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 2908

    • San Francisco, CA

    • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

    Looks great, nice work!

    Only think I may have done differently would be to mount the rear remote higher on the transom. These "waterproof" Clarion remotes have been known to fill up with water if they are completely submerged.


    • Woody_tobius_jr
      • Dec 2012
      • 248

      • Alberta, Canada

      • 2004 SV211 Air Nautique TE

      Looks great! Your pickup sure looks small from inside the boat.


      • jrz1
        • Jan 2013
        • 215

        • Lake Norman, NC

        • 2013 G25 XS 550

        that, you can blame on the factory....


        • jrz1
          • Jan 2013
          • 215

          • Lake Norman, NC

          • 2013 G25 XS 550

          Originally posted by Woody_tobius_jr View Post
          Looks great! Your pickup sure looks small from inside the boat.
          Yeah, it does and it's a pretty big truck (2008 F250 4x4 crew cab lifted 2.5")


          • santelee
            • Jun 2012
            • 162

            • tyler texas

            • 2013 G23 2008 SANTE 230-loved that boat

            Looks great!!! U didnt miss anything not listening to stock system


            • JamesHawk101
              • Dec 2012
              • 224

              • Indian Rocks Beach

              • 2015 G23 Coastal

              That is a awesome set up. Quick question, later down the road I might like to upgrade the system but is it really tottaly worth it? Like how does the stock speakers vs wetsounds compare? I know wetsounds are better but are they for the cost.
              2015 G23 Coastal Edition 450 NSS
              2013 G23 Coastal Edition 450 NSS


              • jrz1
                • Jan 2013
                • 215

                • Lake Norman, NC

                • 2013 G25 XS 550

                As I said, I never even listened to the stock system, but this one rocks so much better than the stock (OEM upgraded 8" speakers etc) system on my 2011 Malibu 247, it's a ridiculous comparison. This is one of the best mobile stereo systems I've ever heard. I think a lot of it is the power I'm pushing to the in boat speakers (170w/per) and then the Wetsounds XS-XXX sub. The base is really incredible and it gives the music throughout the cabin that fullness and punch that makes the music FEEL good without simply being boomy for the sake of being boomy. I've got a lot of power running that too (I think 1250w).

                If you were doing it in steps, I'd say 1) sub & amp, 2) amp for existing in boats; and then 3) replace in boats but I'm not sure how well the existing Polks would handle the extra power so you may need to do 2 & 3 at same time. I've not really had a chance to get a review of the Rev10s since I just put the boat in the water yesterday and weather wasn't conducive to riding. Relative to my Malibu system, I also really love the control the 420 gives. Volume control plus ability to adjust EQ is great. Some of the buttons are a little small and I've found myself turning wrong ones when trying to get the concentric circle knobs to turn independently but it's a small problem.

                I was a little worried about the sub vibrating the structure around the glove box etc. but the installation was solid and there are no rattles or unwanted vibrations. It just pumps good sound out the enlarged hole we put where the trash hole was (thanks to Nauty220 and his installer for the coming up with the custom grill!). You can rattle things if you want by cranking it up, but at normal, loud playing levels, it's solid as a vault.

                It was a lot of coin but it's one of those situations where I feel really good about the value I got.
                Last edited by jrz1; 05-19-2013, 06:27 AM.


                • chelms2206
                  • Mar 2013
                  • 24

                  • Portland, TX

                  • 2013 G23

                  I went with the exact set up except went with two 10 inch subs instead of the wetsounds 12". Glad to hear it sounds awesome. You have any pictures of how they installed your sub?


                  • jrz1
                    • Jan 2013
                    • 215

                    • Lake Norman, NC

                    • 2013 G25 XS 550

                    Just one. Will post later.


                    • jrz1
                      • Jan 2013
                      • 215

                      • Lake Norman, NC

                      • 2013 G25 XS 550

                      Few more pics....


                      • MLA
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 1312

                        • Lake Wylie NC Area

                        Originally posted by chelms2206 View Post
                        I went with the exact set up except went with two 10 inch subs instead of the wetsounds 12". Glad to hear it sounds awesome. You have any pictures of how they installed your sub?
                        I do not have any step by step pics, but here is one with the vent test-fit into the walkway wall. We used the upper edge of the existing trash can cutout as the top edge of the vent opening. We then cut our opening wider and lower. The vent is fixed to the back side of the coambing pad, so the cut out need to be larger then the vent as it will be recessed into the walkway wall. The sub enclosures width, height and port location where all factors in the equation. We wanted as much of the port and sub cone radiating directly through the vent. The enclosure was set in place one last time, with no woofer, so we could mark and predrill the mounting screw holes. There are a total 6 #12x2 screws securing the enclosure to the wall, with the weight of the enclosure resting on the hull. They are going from the walkway side into the enclosure. We left the carpet on the inside wall in place to act as a gasket. The sub's baffle board is actually recessed 2" below the surface that is mated to the inside wall. This gives the woofer space to move, as well as it boxed the subs output so 100% of it radiated through the vent and not into the closed locker.

                        So far that was the easy part. The real challenge was removing the 2000 staples from the walk-through vinyl skin so we could cut the opening out for the vent. Once the skin was off, we set the vent in place and fitted the board in place. we then traced the outside of the vent onto the back side of the coambing pad board. The cutout in the coambing pad board for vent is .25" smaller then the traced vent outline. Once this was cut out, we test fit everything one more time. Next step was to put the skin back on. It was tough to straighten all those bent staples and get them back where they came out.........just kidding! The toughest part of the whole project was cutting the vinyl for the now enlarged vent hole and stretching it to fit the new cutout. After the skin was back on, we attached the vent to the back side of the coambing pad with some ABS S brackets, then covered with some black grill cloth.

                        We then set the enclosure in the locker, then installed the 33lb sub, then secured the box to the wall. We waited till we were happy with the setup before popping the coambing pad back on.

                        Shoutout to Scream Marine for working with us on the vent.


                        • jrz1
                          • Jan 2013
                          • 215

                          • Lake Norman, NC

                          • 2013 G25 XS 550

                          There you go.... MLA did a great job with the whole project, looking out for all the little things you would if you were doing it on your own (assuming you knew what to look out for unlike me).


                          • nyryan2001
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Mar 2013
                            • 1993

                            • Lake Anna

                            Amazing work....

                            MLA-- the EQ mount.... Can you make a ship them?
                            2019 G23 450
                            2014 G23 550
                            2013 G23 450
                            2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
                            2007 Yamaha AR210


                            • gate9869
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 153

                              • Lawrenceburg in

                              • 2009 super air nautique 230

                              Looks awesome I did the same exact set up except went with 6 rev10s with LEDs to i still don't have it back . Should be done this week I did the same thing straight from the dealership to the stereo shop haha a killer system is a must for the sport !! Thing looks awesome congrats !

