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I currently have 4 Rev 8's powered by (2) HT4's in bridge mode. Looking for suggestions as I have read much about the SYN4 or (2) syn4's but that seems like overkill. And what would the upgrade do for me? Thanks
Two Syn4s would be a bit over the top from a power handling standpoint. A Wetsounds SD2 is ideal. But I doubt that you would hear a difference in output versus two HT-4s. You are splitting each channel four ways. Perhaps a small line driver, Audio Control for example, would be productive.
Wiith only a $150 retail price difference, the benefits of a single SD-2 is worth consideration over dual HT-4. Less realestate, less cabling, simpler tuning, a single 2-conductor per side up the tower on those towers not pre-wired, are just a few.