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saw your posts...man would i like to have your job!!! We just got our '04 210 Team a few weeks ago. I agree the sub hits much better than the free air '03's, but the fiberglass box isn't sealed on the back (from what I've seen) which really reduces the sound quality. This weekend I was planning on getting under there and measuring/building a sealed box to get that sub up to potential...am i wrong about it not being sealed?? Thoughts/ideas?
A sealed box is the best way to go. You can make your own box to fit where ever you want to put it in the boat. The one thing to remember is checking how much cu. ft. you will need for the sub you will install. The Kicker 10" sub CC uses requires 1.5 cu. ft. so the box is bulit for that volume.
bbc3 I am really glad to have the job I do also. It kicks a$$
1.5 CU/f!!?? Most 12" require 1. I was thinking of putting a .65 in there! I am really trying to minimize the amount of space needed for the sub under the observation seat. I was thinking of installing a truck box where the top is smaller than the bottom, 51/2". Put it in upside down, So I can put boards in there. What do you guys think?
thought this thread died...anyway, I did build a new box. After finding the fiberglass box totally open on the backside, this is just a little different place to put a free-air sub compared to the 03's. I agree, an improvement in sound quality, but not enough for me.
I went ahead and built a custom box for a 12'' JL sub. It's just a W0 (sub model...only runs about 150-175 watts but sounds awesome), so we're not talking anywhere near whitechocolate quality. I got the whole thing finished and installed about a week ago. I'm going to touch up the intall this weekend to hide wires etc. i just wanted to get it in there and hear it before I totally finish.
I did lose some storage up under, but I tried to build it close to the same shape of the fiberglass box. Frost is exactly right, you need to understand how to build a box that is the proper volume, or else it'll sound like junk. Each sub has an optimal box volume, and you should look for that on Kicker's website for the stock sub. I thought I measured the fiberglass box and it was roughly under 1cuft.
I know it doesn't look even close to whitechocolate's work, but it definitely sounds "bling bling" I phased most of the bass out of the interior speakers, so those crisp highs are perfect and not distorted, then boosted the bass on the sub through the amp. Sounds amazing.
BTW, I like the truck box idea...it took me a second read to figure out what you were talking about, but I've actually seen that before and it did save space...
Na, that wasn't me. That was a good friend of mine Matt Ostmeyer. He's the Tige Pro-Driver for the KC area. I assume you are talking about him eating $h*t on that raley at the end of his run. I didn't actually get to go down there, but was planning on it. I heard about what happened and called him that night. Talked to Matt when he was in the hospital. He said he blacked out and punctured his right lung...no broken ribs though. He mentioned it was really rolly due to where the comp was placed on the lake and the wake washed out from a roller when he hit it, giving no pop. He's not one to miss raley's, he and I went out with some friends the weekend before on our 210 and he hit probably 25 raleys/hoochie glides/krypts without falling once. I feel really bad for him...he's a solid rider. He'll definitely be out for a while. I heard even the pros weren't trying anything big due to the rough water.
You're from St. Louis area right? I assume you went down there if you knew about Matt's fall, was it a good time? Wish I could have gone, but had a lot to do that weekend...
BBC3, yeah, we had fun. Got stuck in the rain Saturday night, but Sunday the water was great. All the Pros pretty much stuck their runs. It was a pretty sweet comp on Sunday morning.