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I have a 2006 air Nautique with 6 speakers, recently the rear 4 stopped working. I have checked the wiring (as much as I can) and cannot find any loose connections. Would anyone have any ideas as to how I would fix this.
Thank you
In that year model, it was common for the bow pair to be driven by the head unit and the main cabin 2 pair pair to be driven by a clarion 4 chnl amp. If there is an amp in the port, locker, is light up with its normal mode power light?
What MLA said. If your system is still stock should be an amp running the cabin speakers and the 2 bow speakers are run off the headunit. Check for a green light on your amp, make sure red and white RCA cables are plugged in, and check fade/balance on the headunit.
Thank you, Im useless with electronics. If theres no light on the amp am I to assume it needs replacing. I already checked the wiring and the wires I can get to seem to be connected properly.
No light means the amp is not powering up. Could be bad amp, could also be loss of voltage on the main power cables or no turn-on trigger at the remote turn-on terminal. Next step would be testing things with a voltage meter