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I too have been looking into this same subject. I have 2017 210 with the same set up but only 2 tower speakers. Trying to decide if adding two more speakers will help out the system I have. Looks like everything is prewired so hoping I can buy 2 more JL audio tower speakers and connect the wires on both ends.
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I just added two more stock speakers and it did help with volume behind the boat . 7.7 JL Audio tower speakers
does anyone know exactly what tower speakers Nautique uses on the 210/230 for the tower? I know they are JL Audio MX770-ETXv3-SG-TK but after looking around a little bit, it appears there are two different versions of these speakers.
After viewing the 2 JL Audio links above Im fairly certian the 2017 model Nautiques use the M 7.7 JL Audio speakers and not the MX 7.7 JL Audio speakers. When I purchased 2 more black M 7.7 JL Audio speakers from a member of Planet Nautique, they matched my exisitng two black M 7.7 JL Audio speakers perfectly.
After viewing the 2 JL Audio links above Im fairly certian the 2017 model Nautiques use the M 7.7 JL Audio speakers and not the MX 7.7 JL Audio speakers. When I purchased 2 more black M 7.7 JL Audio speakers from a member of Planet Nautique, they matched my exisitng two black M 7.7 JL Audio speakers perfectly.
Well, the good news is that those speakers are only 500 a pair now. If everything is prewired as described in this thread, then I will save a bundle from having the dealer do it and charge me over $2,500.00
Well, the good news is that those speakers are only 500 a pair now. If everything is prewired as described in this thread, then I will save a bundle from having the dealer do it and charge me over $2,500.00
If you can get a pair of M 7.7 tower speakers and not MX 7.7 speakers for $500.00 that is a great deal. I purchased a new pair of M 7.7 JL Audio tower speakers for $750.00 with mounting hardware included off the Planet Nautique forum. If you order them you will need to purchase the following speaker connections ( Deutsch DT Series 4 Pin Connector Kit- you will need to purchase 2 kits) , I purchased mine from Amazon. Each kit is $10.76 each. Hooking the additional speakers to your tower is the easy part; finding all the speaker wires to hook them to the amp in the cramped compartment under the observer seat just about killed me with the install . I should have just hired someone to do the install. Hope this is helpful.
If you can get a pair of M 7.7 tower speakers and not MX 7.7 speakers for $500.00 that is a great deal. I purchased a new pair of M 7.7 JL Audio tower speakers for $750.00 with mounting hardware included off the Planet Nautique forum. If you order them you will need to purchase the following speaker connections ( Deutsch DT Series 4 Pin Connector Kit- you will need to purchase 2 kits) , I purchased mine from Amazon. Each kit is $10.76 each. Hooking the additional speakers to your tower is the easy part; finding all the speaker wires to hook them to the amp in the cramped compartment under the observer seat just about killed me with the install . I should have just hired someone to do the install. Hope this is helpful.
I did some more research on this and this is what I found:
1. JL audio supposedly makes the tower speaker enclosures for Nautique in a specific color that looks close to black but does not exactly match the black speaker the sell retail to everyone else. So to get an exact match, you have to buy the speakers with enclosures from Nautique.
2. Seems like everyone I have talked to that has the 4 speaker tower set up hates the reduced head clearance they have now that the two additional speakers are in line with the walk thru.
Think I am putting this on hold for a bit. Maybe I might change my mind after this surf season.