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First time back in the boat since winter and first crank the stereo boots up and goes to 50. Turned it down and thought it was a fluke. 10 cranks later it has done it every-time. Has anyone experienced this? Or have a fix. I tried auto volume off but that didn’t work I feel like I’m gonna blow a speaker at this rate
I think this is a factory defect. You may want to contact your dealer about a replacement unit or see if they can update the software on the JL head unit.
Rhodes2nowhere Please follow the site TERMS OF USE and do not double-post the same topic in multiple forums on this site.
I have merged your two threads here.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!