Hi All,
Wondering if anyone has insight or experience with aftermarketing lighting additions to the Super Air Nautique 230 - MY 2016. Our tower is wired for 4 sets of speakers + leds (I assume) - currently just rocking the two JL's up there. We'd like to have something bright front and back for night boating and night surfing that would be controlled through the linc screen (older generation) - or less ideally an aftermarket switch perhaps. LMK what setups you are using for this! Or point me towards an existing thread!
Wondering if anyone has insight or experience with aftermarketing lighting additions to the Super Air Nautique 230 - MY 2016. Our tower is wired for 4 sets of speakers + leds (I assume) - currently just rocking the two JL's up there. We'd like to have something bright front and back for night boating and night surfing that would be controlled through the linc screen (older generation) - or less ideally an aftermarket switch perhaps. LMK what setups you are using for this! Or point me towards an existing thread!