I've been kicking around the idea of updgrading my PP to the 6.5NG multiline display and chip.
Has anyone had any experience in stepping up from the PP Wakeboard Pro (I think it's the 6.5 version, I could be wrong, but I have which ever one was out prior to the Multiline display coming out).
My main question is whether or not it is worth the $265 to upgrade from wakeboard pro, or should I just stick with what already works fine for me?
Thanks much,
Has anyone had any experience in stepping up from the PP Wakeboard Pro (I think it's the 6.5 version, I could be wrong, but I have which ever one was out prior to the Multiline display coming out).
My main question is whether or not it is worth the $265 to upgrade from wakeboard pro, or should I just stick with what already works fine for me?
Thanks much,